Anton Yarmak spoke at the conference “Investments in Healthcare 2021”

On October 25-26, 2021, the VIII Annual Conference “Investments in Healthcare” was held in Moscow with the support of the Bureau.

The partner of the Bureau, Anton Yarmak, made a speech on the theme “Ways to overcome the “pitfalls” when working with TFOMS and insurers.” During the speech, Anton Yarmak drew the attention of the audience to the main problems faced by medical organizations when working in the field of compulsory health insurance (CHI).

Based on his impressive experience of judicial work, Anton Yarmak prepared recommendations to medical organizations and clarified them what they need to pay attention to for the free medical care provided to citizens is subject to payment from the funds of the CHI, which is the most considerable financial source in the Russian medical market.

A detailed photo report of the event can be found at this link.

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